Project Details
Project Details
Air Force Civil Engineering Center – Public Affairs
Customer Name and Location
Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) San Antonio, TX
SMITH is subcontractor to Cherokee Nation Businesses
Description of the Work
SMITH currently demonstrates public affairs experience as it supports AFCEC in its mission to provide leadership and vision for world class performance and customer satisfaction. Support includes assistance in communication planning, public affairs and protocol initiatives, and developing materials for AFCEC Website. SMITH staff communicates timely, accurate, and useful information about Air Force activities to Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force (AF), public stakeholders and domestic and international audiences. Personnel directly support PA staff and the DoD by assisting the AF mission and the public’s right to know by providing trusted counsel to leaders, building, maintaining, and strengthening Airmen morale and readiness, enhancing public trust and support and, contributing to global influence and deterrence.
The SMITH team incorporates various perspectives and skill sets that are necessary to successfully support AFCEC/PA and provides public affairs support to the Air Force civil engineering community and AFCEC’s environmental and real property programs. Our personnel produce AFCEC public affairs materials utilizing Adobe Creative Suite and SharePoint. Staff specializes in newsgathering, multimedia storytelling and graphic design and utilizes Adobe Creative Suite products and Final Cut Pro to edit and create communications products for AFCEC/PA.
In addition to video and photograph production, SMITH personnel produced AFCEC/PA communications products such as: centerpieces stories, strategic plans, press releases, sustainability communication plan, Earth Day communications plan, web content, factsheets, brochures, and training videos.
We work closely with Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center public affairs staff to design and manage AFIMSC website on newest AFPIMS (American Forces Public Information Management System) platform, AFPIMS 5.0. With a focus on an optimized and enjoyable user experience, we designed and developed engaging content and appealing graphics for landing page and six subordinate unit pages.
Spearheaded design and development of internal news SharePoint site to enhance and improve internal communication and command information efforts.